Broken Piano for President

The Whiskey Rebellion.


[Click to enlarge]

After conferring with my publisher’s legal minds, I’ve been given the green light to post this.

If you haven’t been following, Jack Daniel’s sent me a letter saying the artwork for Broken Piano for President must be changed.

What follows is, perhaps, the most polite cease and desist ever written. If it wasn’t signed by some lawyer, I’d imagine ol’ Gentleman Jack penning it himself, twirling his bushy mustache.

In case you’re wondering, no, my publisher, Lazy Fascist Press, will not be taking them up on their offer. We’re proudly independent and don’t need any of that sweet corporate booze money to redo the cover.

*Good news if you already own a copy of Broken Piano for President: that baby’s going to be a collector’s item.

Powell’s appears to be sold out. [Back in stock, apparently] 

Amazon still has some for sale. Get ’em while they’re legal-ish.

